Staunchly, vol. 60: Sixty and Frisky

 On Tuesday night, my therapist, upon hearing that I was watching exclusively murder docs and reading exclusively poetry by Sylvia Plath (I maintain I was in perfectly high spirits with both!), advised me to consume less explicitly morbid culture: “perhaps, maybe - you can find a Netflix show that you know, is a bit lighter”?
So naturally on Wednesday I took myself to see Hereditary…

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Staunchly, vol. 56: Swag is Not a Movement

First things first. White people: stop calling the cops on black people who are just trying to live their goddamn lives. Besides the obvious, brazen racism of assuming people of color do not have the right to occupy the same spaces, neighborhoods, dorms, restaurants, streets, etc. that you do, the assumption that involving the police will improve a situation, and not put your life at risk, is the purest form of privilege.

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